Lesson #177

It seems like the how-to books have been written on every possible topic: how to sleep, how to plan, how to spend our mornings, how to spend our evenings, or even how to breathe. So, do we really need another one on how to be a good friend?

This lesson is based on a thought-provoking discussion between Simon Sinek and Trevor Noah. Enjoy 🙂

Our Word #1 is to obsess about/over something

verb [ I or T ]

UK US  /əbˈses/ 

If something or someone obsesses you, or if you obsess about something or someone, you think about it, him, or her all the time:

She used to obsess about her weight.


Please take a look at this example and repeat it out loud:

(You have to reload the page if you want to watch the clip more than once.)

Our World #2 is longevity

noun [ U ]   formal

UK  /lɒnˈdʒev.ə.ti/

US  /lɑːnˈdʒev.ə.t̬i/

: a long life:

The members of that family are famous for their longevity.


Please take a look at this example and repeat it out loud:

(You have to reload the page if you want to watch the clip more than once.)

Our World #3 is biohack

noun [C]

UK US /ˈbaɪ.oʊ.hæk/

A practice or technique used to improve the body’s physical or mental abilities, often through unconventional methods: 

Meditation is one of the oldest biohacks for mental clarity.

Please take a look at this example and repeat it out loud:

(You have to reload the page if you want to watch the clip more than once.)

Our World #4 is literally


UK US /ˈlɪt̮ərəli/ 

: in a literal way; exactly:

The word “planet” literally means “wandering body.”


Please take a look at this example and repeat it out loud:

(You have to reload the page if you want to watch the clip more than once.)

Please fill in the blanks out loud with our word/phrase #1, 2, 3, or 4:

Time for our final clip. Watch the clips first, and then fill in the blanks out loud.

(You have to reload the page if you want to watch the clip more than once.)

Source: “Simon Sinek & Trevor Noah on Friendship, Loneliness, Vulnerability, and More | Full Conversation.” Simon Sinek. YouTube, Sep 9, 2024

Questions for a Coffee Session:

These questions can be helpful if you want to organize your own Coffee Session. Paste them in the Zoom chat, so you and your partner can see them. I strongly encourage you to organize your own Coffee Sessions. Contact other Club Members and schedule your own meetings on Zoom. The more you practice your English, the better 🙂

1. Ask your partner questions with the following words:

  • to obsess about/over  
  • longevity (noun, U)
  • biohack (noun, C)
  • literally (adverb)

2. Discuss in pairs the following questions:

  • Is there a hobby or passion or subject that you obsess about?
  • Have you ever tried any biohacks? If so, which ones, and how did they work for you? 
  • Is there a place you’ve visited that was literally breathtaking?
  • If science could grant everyone extreme longevity, how would it affect society, the economy, and the planet?
  • What does Simon Sinek mean by saying, “Friendship is the ultimate biohack”?
  • Can you think of a time when a close friendship significantly improved your well-being?
  • Do you think there should be more self-help books on how to build and maintain friendships?
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